國際反死刑委員會(ICDP)針對台灣江國慶案之聲明(2011/02/10)/ Statement by the International Commission against the Death Penalty on the execution of Chiang Kuo-ching in Tai

編按:國際反死刑委員會(ICDP)於2010年10月10日的世界反死刑日成立,總部設在西班牙馬德里。現任的主席Federico Mayor曾經擔任過聯合國教育科學文化組織(UNESCO)的秘書長,此外包括帶領法國廢除死刑的前司法部長Robert Badinter、前瑞士總統Ruth Dreifuss、擔任過兩任義大利總理目前是World Justice Project榮譽主席的Giuliano Amato以及前聯合國人權事務高級專員Louise Arbour...都是成員。ICDP的目標是推動2015年達成全球零死刑的目標。



國際反死刑委員會(The International Commission against the Death Penalty, ICDP )得知一個令人難過的消息,前空軍士兵江國慶於1997年被錯誤處決。 國際反死刑委員會也注意到,台灣總統馬英九和國防部已經正式的為這件事道歉。



Federico Mayor 

國際反死刑委員會 主席


Madrid, 10 February 2011

Statement by the

International Commission against the Death Penalty

on the execution of Chiang Kuo-ching

in Taiwan

The International Commission against the Death Penalty (ICDP) has received with great sadness the news that Chiang Kuo-ching, former air force private, was wrongfully executed in 1997. The ICDP takes note of the formal apology of the President of Taiwan Ma Ying-jeou as well as the Ministry of National Defence.

ICDP underlines that any criminal justice system, even the most developed one, cannot avoid the condemnation to death of innocent persons. No justice system, no matter how developed it might be, is able rule out the execution of an innocent person. Chiang Kuo-ching is dead and his death is irreversible.

ICDP hopes that the wrong execution of Mr. Chiang Kuo-ching, which deeply regrets, could become an example to the countries that still implement the death penalty, and urges the immediate establishment of a universal moratorium in all regions of the world with a view to its total abolition.

Federico Mayor 

President of the International Commission 

against the Death Penalty 

International Commission against the Death Penalty


Federico Mayor 


Giuliano Amato

Louise Arbour

Robert Badinter

Mohammed Bedjaoui

Ruth Dreifuss

Michèle Duvivier Pierre-Louis

Asma Jilani Jahangir

Ioanna Kuçuradi

Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo

Rodolfo Mattarollo

Bill Richardson


Serrano Galvache, 26

28071 Madrid

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