日新任法務大臣反對死刑(2011/01/14 央廣)/ Japan appoints anti-capital punishment justice minister


央廣 2011/01/14 張子清

日本首相菅直人14日改組內閣後,於當天傍晚正式啟動。新任法務大臣江田五月(Satsuk Eda)在接任新職後,向外界公開表示,他反對死刑,這使得日本疾呼廢除死刑的人權運動團體,感到廢除死刑有望。





Japan appoints anti-capital punishment justice minister
Mark Willacy, Tokyo
Last Updated: Sat, 15 Jan 2011 05:47:00 +1100

Japan has appointed a new justice minister who's a vocal opponent of the death penalty, raising hopes among activists that he'll push for the scrapping of capital punishment.

Japan is the only major industrialised country other than the United States which executes criminals and usually only sends people to the gallows for multiple murder.

The country has 111 convicts on death row, but since the election of the centre-left government in 2009 the number of executions has dropped sharply.

The government even opened the execution chamber to the media in a bid to encourage public debate.

Now activists are hoping the appointment of Satsuki Eda will lead to the abolition of capital punishment altogether.

The new minister is a vocal opponent of the death penalty, once 
warning that a state should not commit murder.