

台北場:10/07-10/09 @光點華山電影院(100台北市中正區八德路一段1號)

台南場:10/15-10/16 @ 真善美劇院(台南市中西區西門路二段120號4樓)



1. 現場索票:電影開演前30分鐘開放現場索票,一人限領2張,限當日當場次使用。憑票入場,一張票限一人使用,已截角無效,每場次票券數量有限,索完為止。

2. 場地提供之輪椅席數有限,如有需要請提前洽詢殺人影展服務櫃台。

3. 電影開演前10分鐘開始進場,電影開演後10分鐘不得入場,不劃位,採現場排隊入場,票券隔場、遺失或損毀即作廢無效。

4. 電影放映後有約30分鐘的映後座談,若需要索取下一場次票券,請自行注意時間。

5. 影廳內禁止攝錄影,如需報導或介紹,請洽殺人影展服務櫃台。

6. 依據相關法源規定,部分飲食品項不得攜入影廳,請遵守戲院現場規範。本影展為免費公益性質,主辦方保留調整索票以及放映規則之空間,請上廢死聯盟官網訂閱「廢話電子報」、或臉書「殺人影展」粉專,隨時注意最新公告,或以現場主辦單位公告為準。

1. On-site ticket pick up: Ticket pick up is open 30 minutes before the movie starts. One person is limited to 2 tickets, which can be used on the same day. Upon entry, one ticket is limited to one person, a ticket that is cut already will be invalid. The number of tickets for each session is limited, while stock last.

2. The number of accessible seating provided by the venue is limited. If you require seating that accommodates your wheelchair, please contact the service counter in advance.

3. Admittance starts 10 minutes before the movie starts, and will ceded 10 minutes after the movie starts. After, no entry is allowed. No seats are reserved and patroons should que to enter the venue.

4. There will be a 30-minute post-screening discussion after the movie screening. If you need to get a ticket for the next show, please pay attention to the time yourself.

5. Filming is prohibited in the theater. If you need to report an incident, please contact the service counter of the Murder by Numbers Film Festival.

6. According to relevant laws and regulations, some food and beverage items are not allowed to be brought into the theater, please follow the on-site regulations of the theater. This film festival is free and for societal discussion purposes. The organizer reserves the space to adjust the ticket request and screening rules.





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